Protect Your Data: The Ultimate Backup Guide

Why make backups?
27 May 2020 by
Protect Your Data: The Ultimate Backup Guide
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Edgar Cubas
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Nowadays, backing up your data is essential for both individuals and businesses. With the growing reliance on technology, losing information can be devastating. Whether you have personal files, financial documents, or critical business data, having a backup is your best defense against technical failures, cyberattacks, or human errors. Additionally, ensuring your data is safe can save you time, money, and a lot of headaches. Keep reading to discover how to protect your information effectively and which options are most recommended.

What is a backup?

A backup, also known as a "backup copy," is a replica or duplicate of data stored on a device, server, or in the cloud. Its main purpose is to ensure that information remains accessible in case of technical failures, theft, cyberattacks, or accidents. Regularly performing backups allows both individuals and businesses to quickly restore their information without losing critical data..

In addition to protecting files, backups are useful for maintaining version histories of documents and data, allowing recovery of previous versions if necessary. These backups can range from individual files to complete systems, with various methods and solutions tailored to each need.

Finally, backups are not only used on personal computers. Enterprise servers, databases, and cloud services also require constant backups to prevent costly interruptions in case of disasters or technical issues. Thus, implementing an effective backup strategy is essential in the modern digital environment..

Conoce todo sobre el Software ERP Odoo para empresas

How often should I back up my data?

Determining the frequency of backups depends on the type of data you manage and how quickly it changes. Generally, businesses should perform backups daily or even in real-time, while individual users can do so weekly or monthly.

  1. Evaluate Data Importance: If you handle sensitive or critical information, daily backups are advisable. While some personal documents may not need such frequency, it's crucial to ensure that your most valuable files are always backed up.
  2. Automate the Process: Nowadays, most backup solutions offer automation, allowing systems to back up data without manual intervention. This is especially beneficial in business environments where data loss can have severe financial repercussions.
  3. Establish a Backup Cycle: For less critical data, consider weekly or monthly backups, but always ensure that recent data is protected. Additionally, it's recommended to keep multiple copies in different locations (both local and cloud) for added security.

What Types of Backups Exist?

There are several types of backups you can implement, depending on the amount of data and the available resources. Below, we explain the most common types:

Full Backup

A full backups involves copying all the data from a system or device in a single process. It is the most comprehensive method as it backs up everything, but it is also the slowest and requires the most storage space. However, it is ideal for an initial backup or when total recovery is needed.

Incremental Backup

An incremental backup only saves the data that has changed since the last backup. This approach saves both space and time, as it avoids duplicating files. This method is widely used in business systems where the volume of data is high, and process optimization is crucial.

Differential Backup

A differential backup stores all changes made since the last full backup. While it requires more space than an incremental backup, it is easier and faster to restore, as fewer steps are needed for complete data recovery.

Read also: The importance of making daily backups in your business

What is the Best Backup Solution for Businesses?

For businesses, backups are not only essential, but they must also be managed efficiently to avoid productivity losses. Here are some of the best solutions:

  1. Cloud Solutions: Services like Google Cloud, AWS, or Microsoft Azure offer automatic, secure, and scalable backups. They are ideal for companies that manage large volumes of data and require remote access..
  2. NAS Storage Systems: A Network Attached Storage (NAS) is an option for businesses that prefer to store their backups locally. This system allows for quick backups and is suitable for enterprise networks..
  3. Hybrid Backup: Combining cloud storage with local solutions provides the best of both worlds: the security and accessibility of the cloud, along with the speed and control of a local backup.

How to Backup from Odoo?

Odoo is a popular ERP that also provides tools for easily performing backups. Here’s how to do it in just a few steps:

  1. Acces Odoo. Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Odoo con permisos de administrador.
  2. Go to Settings: Within the menu, select "Settings" and then look for the "Backups" option.
  3. Select Frequency: Set the frequency of the backups, which can be daily, weekly, or customized.
  4. Choose Location: Decide whether you want to store the backups in the cloud or on a local server.
  5. Confirm and Execute: Click on "Create Backup" to start the process.

Is It Better to Backup to the Cloud or Physical Devices?

Both options have advantages. However, the best choice depends on your needs:

  1. Cloud Backups: Ideal for those seeking accessibility and scalability. The cloud allows access to data from anywhere and ensures protection against physical disasters.
  2. Physical Devices: Backups on external hard drives or local servers offer total control over data and can be faster. However, they are exposed to physical risks like fires or theft.


Implementing a proper backup is crucial for protecting your data against unforeseen events. Whether you choose cloud solutions or local options, the most important thing is to perform backups regularly and select the solution that best fits your needs.

How often do you backup your data, and what method do you prefer?

Protect Your Data: The Ultimate Backup Guide
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Edgar Cubas 27 May 2020
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