Payment method on the portal

Permitir al usuario del portal agregar o modificar el modo de pago
5 August 2021 by
Payment method on the portal
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Jorge Rubén Elena Poblet
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Allowing portal users to add their payment method gives them autonomy and minimizes potential misunderstandings. It makes communications more efficient. It generates a signed SEPA document that is automatically downloaded for storage.

Setting up the payment method

To set up this option, you need to go to Portal > Payment Methods > Edit. Here, you can view 'Your Payment Methods' or add new ones.

Odoo • Text and Image

To add a payment method from the portal, you need to go to Portal > Payment Methods > Add Payment Method.

Odoo • Text and Image

Fill out the following form and sign the document to complete the process, downloading the SEPA receipt.

Account Number > Type > Account Holder Name > Bank > Add and Sign

Odoo • Text and Image

Through this process, the company will have your billing information to automatically charge your bank account and streamline the process.

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in Odoo
# Odoo
Payment method on the portal
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Jorge Rubén Elena Poblet 5 August 2021
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