Attach images to quote using Odoo

Make attractive budgets

With this addon we will add the possibility of inserting images to the quotes/order, also these images will be printed in an attachment in the quote report.


When we access to create a new budget, we will observe a new tab called "Images", it is here where we will add the images, where we will be able to add a title, which will appear in the reports.

Adjuntar imágenes presupuesto con odoo

This addon is ideal for construction companies.

Learn more about the odoo construction addons.

Viewing images in report

Once the images have been added to the quotation/sales order, when printing the default odoo report, we can see that an "Annex: Images" page is added, where all the images will appear with their corresponding title.

Viewing images in report
Viewing images in report

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Extracto y Conciliaciones con Odoo
Importa los extractos bancarios y realiza la conciliación automática