Gesprodex Success Case.

28 May 2024 by
Gesprodex Success Case.
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Ehyla Morales
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Company name : Gesprodex Césped Artificial

Country: Spain.

Installed applications: Sales management, Website, Ecommerce, LInventory logistics, Email marketing, Billing, CRM, and Purchasing management, among others.

Number of employees: 15-20

Challenges and Solutions

Gesprodex Artificial Grass, a leading company in the sale and installation of artificial grass in Spain, was facing difficulties in the comprehensive management of its business. Effective coordination between sales, purchasing, inventory, and customer relations was essential, especially in a sector where product inventory is crucial. To address these challenges, Gesprodex implemented Odoo, an all-in-one solution that transformed its operation.

Presupuestos Personalizados

Sales Management and Personalized Budgets.

The implementation of Odoo's sales and billing modules at Gesprodex has enabled the efficient customization of sales quotes. This adaptability offers clients various options within the same quote, tailoring to their specific needs. Automation in billing has been crucial in reducing errors and speeding up processes, thereby improving financial efficiency. Additionally, electronic signatures have streamlined the confirmation of quotes, quickly converting them into sales orders, enhancing the customer experience.

personalización del sitio web

Online Store and Website Customization

The integration of the online store and the main website with Odoo's sales and CRM modules has enabled centralized information management and seamless synchronization between different aspects of the business. This integration has improved operational efficiency and Gesprodex's online visibility. The customized website reflects the brand's identity and provides detailed information about its products and services, ensuring intuitive navigation and an attractive presentation of artificial grass products.

Gesprodex received a custom website solution tailored to their brand as pioneers in the artificial grass industry, which integrated seamlessly with Odoo. This digital platform optimized the user experience and enhanced the company's online visibility, strengthening their market presence.

Expense Management and Purchasing Control 

The section of Odoo's expense management El apartado de gastos de Odoo brinda a Gesprodex un control detallado de las compras realizadas por los trabajadores, cubriendo aspectos como materiales para obras, gastos de dietas y comisiones de empleados.

Además, la gestión de inventario y compras se simplifica mediante la registración de presupuestos y pedidos de compra, facilitando la coordinación entre las áreas de ventas y compras. Esta integración contribuye a mejorar la visibilidad del inventario en tiempo real, optimizando así la eficiencia operativa de Gesprodex en la gestión de sus recursos y compras.

Implementación de CRM

CRM Implementation

 Gesprodex has successfully consolidated and efficiently managed customer information through Odoo's CRM module. Integration with the website has enabled effective customization of lead management, tailoring it to each client’s specific needs. This functionality has been crucial for organizing potential clients, negotiation stages, and coordinating visits. The ability to plan meeting-type activities in the calendar, with information pulled from the CRM, provides a quick and efficient view of weekly visits, enhancing the management and execution of client interactions.

Email Marketing

El módulo de marketing por email en Odoo ha sido esencial para Gesprodex en la realización de campañas de venta y en el fortalecimiento de relaciones comerciales. La capacidad de enviar mensajes personalizados ha mejorado la efectividad de las campañas, y la automatización ha permitido gestionar fácilmente felicitaciones en ocasiones especiales a clientes y proveedores.

Marketing por Email
Odoo-Gesprodex Césped


The implementation of Odoo at Gesprodex has led to a significant optimization of processes, improving coordination between areas, efficiency in inventory management, visit planning and cost control. This integration has contributed to the sustainable growth and strengthening of Gesprodex' position in the artificial turf market.

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Gesprodex Success Case.
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Ehyla Morales 28 May 2024
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