Success Case: In-Process // SURF & SKATE - Automation and surfing come together

3 January 2024 by
Success Case: In-Process // SURF & SKATE - Automation and surfing come together
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Mayrene Chaguan
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Name of the company: In-Process

Country: Spain

Services offered: Website, Sales Management, Invoicing, Customer Order Management, Supplier Orders, Inventory Logistics, among others.

Odoo User:


In-Process stands out in marketing top-tier brands in Surf, Skate, Windsurf, and Kitesurf. Committed to integrity and trust, we dedicate our efforts to both our clients and the brands we represent. Our operation is characterized by sustainability and respect towards our customers.

In a digitally driven world, online presence is essential. To address this challenge, In-Process has implemented an enterprise website integrated with Odoo. This platform facilitates the direct synchronization of product, inventory and pricing information, providing our customers with a seamless shopping experience and enhancing our company's online visibility.​

Sales Management

In-Process was facing challenges in managing its sales process, from customer acquisition to transaction completion. The implementation of Odoo has brought about a significant transformation by enabling the automation of various tasks related to lead management, opportunity follow-up and sales closure.

Odoo is presented as a comprehensive e-commerce solution, ready to be used right out of the box. This platform unifies inventory and sales management, facilitating operations through automatic inventory adjustments and automated reporting.

The presence of an integrated ecommerce in Odoo streamlines both the sales process and inventory management. Users can conduct transactions efficiently, supported by advanced features that simplify day-to-day management.

Online Invoicing

The implementation of In-Process Invoicing has revolutionized the process. Thanks to the automation of invoice creation, efficient payment management and order coordination, it has been possible not only to minimize administrative errors, but also to speed up the entire cycle of this crucial operation.

With a more efficient approach and seamless integration, In-Process has led to a significant improvement in converting leads into satisfied customers. This optimization not only positively impacts internal productivity, but also strengthens customer satisfaction by ensuring a faster, more accurate and hassle-free billing experience.

At In-Process, inventory management could be a significant challenge. Putting Odoo software in place facilitated real-time inventory management, enabling accurate tracking of product availability, automatic replenishment planning and optimisation of stock levels. This led to a reduction in costs associated with excess inventory and an improvement in logistics efficiency.

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The implementation for In-Process with Odoo has enabled end-to-end automation of website creation, sales management, invoicing, ordering, inventory management and demonstrates how this platform can be a catalyst for business transformation. By providing a holistic view of business processes and facilitating informed decision making, Odoo has become an invaluable tool for companies in a variety of industries. 

Those that adopt this solution not only overcome operational challenges, but are also better prepared for sustainable growth in the business future. Automation is not only a necessity, but also a path to sustainable growth and continued success.

Success Case: In-Process // SURF & SKATE - Automation and surfing come together
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Mayrene Chaguan 3 January 2024
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