EU Funds

Xpande Digital 2024 Programme 

BINHEX SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS SL has been a beneficiary of European Funds, whose objective is to strengthen the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs, and thanks to which it has launched an Action Plan with the aim of improving its competitiveness through digital transformation, online promotion and e-commerce in international markets during the year 2024. To this end, it has been supported by the Xpande Digital Programme of the Chamber of Commerce of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. #EuropaSeSiente

Binhex Systems Solutions SL. It has been the beneficiary of a grant awarded by the Directorate General of Vocational Training of the Canary Islands Government, in accordance with the regulations established in the Order of 31 May 2023. This grant is a recognition of the quality and relevance of its collaboration in the training of new professionals in our archipelago.

Our company Binhex Systems Solutions SL, has been a beneficiary of the ICEX Next Programme, supported by ICEX and co-financed by the European ERDF fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment. The programme includes the following aspects: Help to generate the company's international business plan, personalised advice with experts both in Spain and abroad and integration into the Network of Spanish exporting SMEs.

Amount of aid: €24,000.

Start date 13/02/2023.

End date 13/02/2025

Binhex Systems Solutions has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund through several grants from various agencies.


With this project Binhex Systems Solutions SL, will offer its products and services of Digital Transformation to SMEs, located throughout the Spanish peninsula. The proposed service involves the development and implementation of business management solutions suitable for each of them. To achieve this objective, an open architecture platform in the cloud will be used, so that they can optimise their business processes and minimise costs. The solution offered in the service, is comprehensive using the methodology developed by Binhex, which covers aspects ranging from the audit of the ICT platform that the company currently has operational, offering a roadmap that allows you to evolve and fill the gaps between the current platform and the proposed platform for SMEs. This is followed by the development of the functionalities that are adapted to the required processes. Once the development is complete, the proposed solution is installed, tested and implemented. The process is accompanied by a training plan so that the different users can work comfortably with the platform.

Binhex's methodology offers a user support plan once the programmed solution has been put into production. The project offers a comprehensive solution that enables small and medium-sized companies to move from a semi-automated to a fully digital state.

Start date 1 January 2023

End date 30 April 2023

Aid amount: 37.100,00 €.

EU Funds

Binhex Systems Solutions has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund through several grants from various agencies.


With this project Binhex Systems Solutions will offer Digital Transformation services to SMEs located in the state of Florida in the United States. The proposed service involves the development and implementation of business management solutions suitable for each of them. To achieve this objective, an open architecture platform in the cloud will be used to optimise their business processes and minimise costs. The solution offered in the service, is comprehensive using the methodology developed by Binhex, which covers aspects ranging from the audit of the ICT platform that the company currently has operational, offering a roadmap that allows you to evolve and fill the gaps between the current platform and the proposed platform for SMEs. This is followed by the development of the functionalities that are adapted to the required processes. Once the development is complete, the proposed solution is installed, tested and implemented. The process is accompanied by a training plan so that the different users can work comfortably with the platform.

The methodology offers a user support plan once the programmed solution has been put into production. The project offers a comprehensive solution that enables small and medium-sized enterprises to move from a semi-automated to a fully digital state.

Start date 1 January 2022

End date 31 December 2022

Aid amount: 47.550,00 €.

EATIC 2021

Binhex Systems Solutions has developed the project ‘Hydrocloud: Smart Irrigation System’ with the co-financing of the Canary Islands Government and the European Regional Development Fund through the grant to high-tech and knowledge-intensive companies in priority areas of the RIS3 (EATIC 2021). The aid, managed by the Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society of the Government of the Canary Islands, has an intensity of 70% of the investment made and is 85% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.

Project description

Persistent droughts can lead to significant depletion of reservoir storage volumes and groundwater levels, with a wide range of socio-economic and environmental impacts. According to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), current greenhouse gas emissions will increase global warming and lead to long-lasting changes in the climate system, increasing the likelihood of extreme events. With the development of this project, a farmer or a person with a plot of land will be provided with an application called HydroCloud with which he can remotely manage his irrigation system. Access to the application is via the Internet as it is installed on a server in the cloud data of our company Binhex Systems Solutions.

HydroCloud is a system for smart irrigation management, supported by an electronic platform based on devices such as a Raspberry Pi - Arduinos and free and open architecture software based on the Software as a Service approach. The persistence of the data will be carried out with the PostgreSQL database management system, which stores the data generated by the sensors configured on the user's platform.

Project aims

  • Achieve intelligent irrigation scheduling based on data received from sensors.
  • Set the irrigation dosage according to weather parameters, sensor data and crop type.
  • Manage the functionalities of the Hydrocloud platform remotely through a ubiquitous internet connection.

Project results

The desired results at the end of the project will be to have a software platform or intelligent system in the cloud that can remotely manage the electronic devices that can take data from the sensors and activate irrigation valve opening devices. At the end of the project there will be a stable smart irrigation system, tested and validated by the customers of the final product, which will be ready for subsequent commercialisation, and which will provide innovative functionalities with respect to what currently exists on the market.

Project data

Start date: 01/01/2021

End date: 30/06/2022

Budget: 142.332,00 €.

Grant awarded: 99,632.4 €.


Binhex Systems Solutions has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to achieve a more competitive business fabric and thanks to which it has implemented an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in foreign markets to promote the internationalisation of SMEs. Year 2020 - 2021. To this end, it has been supported by the Xpande Digital programme of the Chamber of Commerce of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Aid amount: 4.000 €.