Online invoicing

made easier than ever

Manage contracts, create recurring invoices, quotes and above all, get paid faster.

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Turn quotes into bills with ease

Factura de forma automática según órdenes de venta, órdenes de entrega, contratos o tiempo y materiales con la facturación Online Odoo

Try it for free

Send professionally designed invoices directly to your customers with just one click.

Easily create invoices based on quotes you have sent to your customers.

Send them automatically by email as a PDF attachment or print them out and send them by post.

Use email, whatsapp or telegram to send your quotes or invoices and get paid faster.

Use online invoicing to get paid faster.

Online payments and tracking with odoo invoicing

Accept online payments with PayPal, Ingenico, Buckaroo, Stripe Accept online payments with PayPal, Ingenico, Buckaroo, Stripe,, Atos Worldline or Adyen. Forget the hassle of sending reminders for overdue or pending payments. Automated follow-ups are easy to set up and will help you streamline invoicing to get paid quickly and easily.

Analyze your sales

Access detailed data for an overview.

Get direct access to key information with dynamic and customizable dashboards. Make your own definitions and analyse your turnover by product, customer, vendor, etc.

Simplify your accounting with Online Invoicing

  • Keep track of your bank account movements and the status of invoices.
  • Use the status summary to keep track of draft, paid and unpaid invoices.
  • Automatically record all your bank account transactions by importing and reconciling your bank statements.

Spanish Electronic Invoicing

This module allows the management of the sending of Spanish electronic invoicing to FACe. The sending management is carried out by means of the digital certificates with which it is signed. 

From the “More” button of the invoice form, we run the wizard called “Create Facturae file” We will be able to automatically display extra fields for electronic invoicing if the customer is an electronic invoicing customer. These fields can be edited at invoice or line level. In the case of line, a pop-up button will appear with all the details that can be edited.

Start Free

Fully integrated online invoicing with Odoo applications.


Record all invoices in your books and keep track of payments.

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Easily select your billing method for each product or service.

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Obtain meaningful information on supplier invoices.

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Enable your project immediately. Work step by step to complete your work.

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