Business Transformation: American Oilfields Standard, INC and its Success with Odoo

6 February 2024 by
Business Transformation: American Oilfields Standard, INC and its Success with Odoo
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Mayrene Chaguan
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Name of the Company: American Oilfields Standard, Inc.

Country: United States

Services offered: Website, Accounting with specific localization, CRM, Sales Management and Invoicing.

Odoo User:

The Company 


In the competitive world of the oil industry, American Oilfield Standard Inc. has stood out as a benchmark of success. A key factor in its rise has been the strategic implementation of accounting, using Odoo software and adapting it to the specificities of the U.S. and Texas business environments.

Accounting with Specific Localization.

American Oilfields Standard Inc. has optimized its accounting system by implementing Odoo, which has significantly simplified its compliance with local tax regulations. This initiative has not only facilitated tax reporting for the company, but has also increased accuracy and efficiency throughout the accounting process.

Tax localization packages are country-specific modules that install preconfigured taxes, tax positions, chart of accounts and statutory declarations in your database. Additional features, such as the configuration of specific certificates, are also added to your Accounting application, depending on your tax administration requirements.

With Odoo, AOS implemented a localized accounting system that complied with U.S. accounting standards and Texas specific regulations.  


Website integration with other Odoo modules ensured centralized information management.

Online presence is essential in the digital age. Odoo enabled American Oilfields Standard, Inc. to create an attractive and functional website. From product presentation to lead generation, the website became an integral tool for the company. In addition, Odoo's flexibility made it easy to adapt the website to changing market needs.

CRM Optimization 

Customer relationship management is crucial to business success. AOS leveraged Odoo's CRM module to consolidate customer information, track interactions and improve internal collaboration. ​ 

Lead management through the website made customer handling through a funnel design customized for each customer

Sales Management and Invoicing

The functionality of the sales and invoicing processes with Odoo enabled AOS to streamline operations , reduce errors and improve efficiency. Invoicing automation reduced errors and accelerated processing times, resulting in a significant improvement in financial efficiency.

Results and Benefits

The successful implementation of Odoo at American Oilfields Standard, Inc. has led to a number of positive results:

  • Operational Efficiency: Process integration has improved operational efficiency, reducing redundancies and optimizing workflows
  • Regulatory Compliance: Localized accounting ensures that the company complies with all local tax regulations, avoiding penalties and fines.
  • Improved Customer Experience: The integrated website has improved the accessibility of information for customers, enhancing their overall experience with the company.
  • Sales Growth: Efficient customer relationship management has resulted in increased sales opportunities and steady revenue growth.

By incorporating all processes in an integrated manner, AOS was able to access real-time information through a centralized dashboard application.

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Business Transformation: American Oilfields Standard, INC and its Success with Odoo
Binhex Systems Solutions S.L., Mayrene Chaguan 6 February 2024
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